The Ultimate Guide to the B2B Digital Shelf

Written with industry experts including BigCommerce, Start with Data and JMango360, our eBook offers insight into the importance of the Digital Shelf and guidance on how to optimize your operations in order to succeed in the changing B2B market.

The Ultimate Guide to the B2B Digital Shelf

Download now to discover:

  • Key trends in B2B buyer behavior in 2023
  • How to evaluate the digital maturity of your business with an audit
  • How you can create a plan to utilize leading technologies to provide a superior product experience and drive more sales
  • How you can outperform your competitors and win the Digital Shelf

Chapter List

Chapter List

  • What is the B2B Digital Shelf?
  • The Challenges for B2B Businesses in 2023
  • Digital Maturity Audit
  • The Role of Product Experience
  • How Technology Can Optimize the B2B Product Experience
  • Introduction to PXM Tools
  • Proven Strategies for Data Preparation

Some of our satisfied customers

"With the creation of descriptions by artificial intelligence, we have not only been able to create these descriptions at a low cost, but also edit in bulk, which is one of the features that we use daily."

Sergio Franco

“Sales Layer’s PIM alleviates what was once a cumbersome and manually-intensive task into a super productive and time-saving work that makes updating content effortless.”

Jessica Bretherton
Marketing Coordinator

“Our goal was offering an easier and friendly product experience to our customers, and Sales Layer help has led to a conversion increase of 71% over our initial targets and increased our sales target by 353%”

María Selma
eCommerce Manager

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