Alternative to Hosted Catalogs

With hosted catalogs unable to keep up with modern demand, Instant Catalogs are the future of eProcurement.

Why are Hosted Catalogs Outdated?

Hosted catalogs can only provide limited information to buyers, don’t include effective product availability data, and can’t be customized for different audiences. The lack of regular updates to hosted catalogs can also lead to potential confusion for buyers and extensive manual work for suppliers. Supplier-hosted catalogs are typically slow and costly to set up and maintain, lacking the flexibility that B2B suppliers need in the expanding eProcurement world.

PunchOut Catalogs vs Hosted Catalogs

As hosted catalogs require manual uploading and editing of product data, it can be challenging for B2B marketing teams to provide the complex data their products typically possess. This, in turn, prevents suppliers from providing buyers with a complete and engaging product view. With PunchOut catalogs, however, changes to product data can be automated across all touchpoints. Real-time information on product availability can also be displayed to your buyers. PunchOut catalogs provide a faster, more agile and more streamlined way of working for manufacturers and suppliers with large SKU catalogs and those handling high numbers of transactions.

Instant Catalogs

Sales Layer’s Instant Catalogs offer a revolutionary tool for suppliers and manufacturers, offering a multitude of benefits, alongside cXML PunchOut capabilities. Instant Catalogs allow you to showcase your products more easily, with catalogs customized to the needs of a specific buyer or procurement platform. This catalog provides real-time information about your products, with automatic updates distributed across all sales channels and touchpoints. Creating and distributing Instant Catalogs is quicker and easier than with hosted catalogs, with no additional resources required. The high level of flexibility and scalability of Instant Catalogs makes it an ideal tool for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes.

Customize Your Catalogs with Connect

Sales Layer’s Connect provides you with a global-leading tool to create Instant Catalogs and directly connect them to procurement platforms with cXML PunchOut capabilities. The platform allows you to display only the relevant product information that a buyer requires in your product catalogs. Sales Layer Connect empowers you to manage and distribute your product information in the most effective way. By switching from hosted catalogs to Instant Catalogs, you can increase your sales and improve the product experience your buyers receive.

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Some of our satisfied customers

“We can constantly provide and change the information our customers need by ourselves. In 5 or 10 minutes you can change an image, update a price or add a new product.”

Rubén Rubio
Sales Manager

“Sales Layer has been our right hand in the digitalization of our catalog and the optimization of our resources. It used to take 2 months to produce a catalog; now we have it ready in 2 weeks.”

Laura Troitiño
System management

“With Sales Layer we have catalogs set up for a minimum cost, they are much more navigable and save us time. You just need an Excel and a few images to have a catalog assembled. Some suppliers have had their catalog ready in 20 minutes.”

Marta Arias
Procurement Director

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